Please note: Destination Imagination team challenge numbers and registration to the DI regional competition are paid by the district if teams are formed by district deadlines. Teams moving to State and Global Finals MAY receive partial funding for registration expenses. Other costs will need to be paid by participants. What does it cost to participate in DI?

Leander ISD once again is supporting interested District students in Grades 3–12 to participate in Destination Imagination (DI).

What Is Destination Imagination? – English
What Is Destination Imagination? – Spanish

Registration forms are now available: DI Registration – English | DI Registration – Spanish

Parents of students interested in participating need to submit to their completed registration forms to their Campus DI Facilitator no later than Oct. 1, 2024. Teams not forming by the October 1, 2024 date will not be able to use LISD funding. The Regional DI tournament location is TBD. Teams will need to provide their own transportation to the meet if they elect to compete.

Please keep in mind that each team must have 1–2 parents sign up as team manager(s)/co-manager, and each team must have two volunteer appraisers in order to compete. Also, any parent who will be working directly with the students (manager/co-manager) must complete a DI background check and be vetted as LISD Volunteers.

Dates to know:
Heart of Texas CPSO Regional Meet: Saturday, February 8, 2025,
Lonestar Finals: Friday and Saturday, March 28 and 29, 2025 @ UT Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Global Finals: TBD

Additional Resources

For more information, please contact your campus DI Representative (who is also a campus QUEST–G/T teacher). The LISD District contacts for DI are Jessica Weiss, [email protected], QUEST teacher Akin ES, and Kathryn Gardiol, [email protected], Coordinator of Advanced Programs/Enrichment.