Students may be referred for the gifted and talented program at any time by teachers, counselors, parents, or other interested persons. All kindergarten students are screened once annually. The district provides at least one screening and identification and assessment opportunity once per school year for all students referred for testing (EHBB Local). Screening as well as identification and assessment is a multi-step process and involves both quantitative and qualitative measures. (EHBB Legal) (19TAC89.1)
- The GT Screening, Assessment, and Identification is a three-step process:
- Step 1 – Screening: Students referred for testing are screened using multiple measures. The purpose of screening is to identify students who demonstrate potential in areas of general intellectual ability through district selected achievement and observation feedback tools.
- Step 2 – Assessment: Students meeting the screening process criteria will be assessed for gifted services once permission from the parent/guardian is received. Assessment tools may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- achievement tests
- cognitive ability tests
- creativity tests
- behavioral checklists
- student/parent conferences
- student work products
- Step 3 – Identification: All measures are evaluated by the GT Identification committee. The committee recommends appropriate educational placements based on all data collected.
- Lead members has 30 hours GT foundation training, which includes GT identification and assessment, and is current with the annual 6-hour gifted training update. All other members have at least GT identification and assessment training.
- Placement for LISD GT services requires parental permission.
- Screening for referred grades 1-5 students occurs bi-annually and assessment takes place after screening.
- Screening and assessment for referred grades 6–12 students is offered once in the winter and once in the spring. Referrals must be received by the deadline set by the district, which will be at least two weeks prior to the start date of the winter or spring screening and assessment window. Note: students may only be tested for GT services once per year.
- Kindergarten screening for all learners occurs during January. Prior to screening, elementary QUEST teachers provide a minimum of four whole-class lessons to every kindergarten class. These lessons provide common creative and critical thinking experiences and allow us to better understand the learner prior to screening.
- Transfer students previously identified as GT students will have records reviewed following the District’s assessment procedures. Students demonstrating a need for GT services will be placed upon completion of the record review process.
- Once identified, GT students are NOT rescreened or retested, unless they have exited from the program.
- Furloughed GT students may be retested or re-screened following the recommendations of the GT Identification and Placement Committee, based on individual student needs, performance, and history.
- In order to furlough or exit from the program, parents and students conference with the campus QUEST teacher and campus counselor and follow the steps of the district furlough/exit process. Parents, students, or QUEST teachers may initiate the furlough/exit process.