Advanced academic programs are a high priority in Leander ISD, with a goal of challenging each and every child to learn to their maximum ability. We are an open access program and believe ALL learners should be encourage to access the opportunities provided by advanced coursework.
LISD works diligently to develop and coordinate a full range of academic programs providing challenging instruction leading to advanced learning opportunities. From advanced pathway offerings beginning at the elementary and middle school campuses to Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) classes at our high schools, students are encouraged and supported so that they may take – and be successful in – coursework that provides the highest level of academic challenge. Leander ISD also provides the IB Primary Years Programme at Grandview Hills and Mason Elementary, as well as GT services that provide challenging learning opportunities for identified gifted students at all campuses.
ADVANCED PROGRAMS CORE BELIEFS For Gifted Learners Served in Program*
- Ability, both general and specific, matters.
- Giftedness is developmental and malleable, rather than fixed.
- Giftedness is multidimensional, involving both abilities and critical psychosocial skills that address the social and emotional needs and challenges of gifted children.
- Giftedness is defined in terms of a comparison group.
- Giftedness tends to be demonstrated more generally initially; but for most gifted individuals, demonstration of extraordinary abilities tends to become more focused over time into particular domains of interest and ability.
- Demonstrated achievement matters more as a signifier of giftedness as one develops and pursues abilities and interests to specialize in a content area.
*adopted from National Association for Gifted Children Talent Development Task Force Report to the Board of Directors, November 2015
Importance of Advanced Coursework for Today’s Students
Leander ISD believes that students get far more out of school when they are challenged by their coursework. The world beyond graduation has become more and more competitive – and Leander ISD wants its graduates to have an edge on that competition so that all learners are prepared for anything!
Data supporting the need for academic challenge includes:
- College Admissions counselors agree that the rigor of courses taken in high school is the single biggest factor for college success and completion of a 4-year degree. (2000 NACAC Survey of College Admissions Counselors)
- For the Fall 2023 admission cycle, NACAC member four-year colleges reported that the most important factors in admission decisions were grades in high school courses and strength of the high school curriculum.
- Students who complete AP and IB courses in high school have higher college GPAs after one year of college work. Students who participate in AP courses and IB programs have higher acceptance rates at some universities. (Various university admission statistics gathered by IB North America and the College Board)
- Success on AP and IB exams can generate college credit for students, potentially saving thousands of dollars in tuition and fees.
Participation by students in advanced coursework provides tools to help learners continue their success and growth toward AP, IB, and college courses. Teachers of Leander ISD’s middle and highs school advanced courses receive training that helps ensure success in future AP, IB, and dual credit coursework. An early focus on academics provides habits of mind that contribute to success in college and anything a students wishes to do!
Parent Information Presentations
Gifted and Talented Services Parent Information Session 9/11/2023
Session Slide Deck (links included in presentation for further learning)
Staff Directory
For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.