LISD middle school curriculum servers as the bridge between the foundations taught in elementary school and the exploration of skills and talents in high school. Through middle school, students can discover their passions and strengths to prepare them for high school.
English Language Arts

In an effort to support our Leander ISD mathematicians in Grade 8 math through Grade 12 math, the district provides appropriate handheld calculator devices at every secondary campus. Students in the courses where a device is needed will have access to a handheld graphing calculator while on our campuses. If a student or family desires their own personal device to own and use, Leander ISD recommends that students purchase the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator to support their learning experience in and away from the classroom. This is only a recommendation and not a requirement.
Fitness & Health
World Languages
Career & Technical Education/Supported Electives
Career & Technical Education: Middle School Program Information
Arts, A/V Technology and Communications
- Multimedia Productions
- Principles of Arts, A/V and Communications (HS Credit)
- Technology Applications: Creative Design
Business, Marketing, & Finance
- Entrepreneurship (mxINCedu)
- Technology Applications: Information Management
- Exploring Foundations of Leadership
- Leadership
- Advanced Leadership
- Leadership: Leadworthy the Course (HS Credit)
English Electives
- Exploring Speech/Debate
- Speech/Debate
- Debate I (HS Credit)
- Introduction to Creative Writing
- Creative Writing
- Journalism: Yearbook
- Journalism: News Media
- Journalism (HS Credit)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
- Exploring STEM
- Gateway: Computer Science/Automation and Robotics (HS Credit)
- Gateway: Design and Modeling/Green Architecture (HS Credit)
- Gateway: Medical Detectives/Science of Technology (HS Credit)
- Fundamentals of Computer Science (HS Credit)
Staff Directory
For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.