Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About 2022-23 Dual Language Services in 6th & 7th Grades

For more information on each school visit the Danielson MS website or Henry MS website  

Why is my child not automatically included to continue in the dual language program in secondary?

Under the law, the district is required to provide bilingual services in elementary school to students who qualify as emerging bilinguals. In 2015 the district chose to offer the Two Way program at Reed and grow the program to include all bilingual schools. In 2020 the district chose to offer it in secondary in 2020 in two middle schools.

What is the goal of Dual Language in middle school?

“Middle and high school students are in the process of becoming young adults, and the secondary DL program gives DL students opportunities to prove to themselves how their bilingual/multicultural capabilities will be important to their adult lives. By building on and expanding their bilingual proficiency, content mastery, and cross-cultural understanding that was begun in elementary school, DL students in middle school begin to see how their DL education is relevant to their future. DL secondary students are preparing to function at high cognitive levels in their evolving bilingual/multicultural contexts as adults in their home communities and in professional contexts.”  –Dr. Ginger Collier and Dr. Wayne Thomas 

What courses will students take?

 In order to be considered Dual Language in secondary, students must take a minimum of 2 courses in Spanish.  One of the two courses must have Language Arts as the major focus.  

6th grade: 8652DL Global Studies-An academic Spanish Language Arts elective in which students explore global issues in a PBL format, with emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing 

6th grade – Social Studies-World Cultures in Spanish

7th grade: 8752DL- Media Studies for Advocacy- An academic Spanish Language Arts elective, in which students use podcasting, vlogging, public speaking and other journalistic skills to identify and offer solutions to community problems

7th grade: One class of the core academic courses – Social Studies, Science, Math (may vary by school)

8th grade: AP Spanish IV Language and Culture – The course emphasizes communication by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. This course prepares the student for the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam.

8th grade: One class from three core academic courses – Social Studies, Science, Math (may vary by school)

If we are not zoned for Henry or Danielson MS, can we still participate?

Yes it is possible; however, space is limited at Danielson and Henry for transfer students. If you are interested in a transfer to Danielson or Henry to participate in Dual Language, you must complete an application online. The transfer period for the 2022–23 school year opened on March 7th and closes on April 1st.

Will we have to request a transfer every year to continue in Dual Language if we are not zoned to the DL middle school?

No, there is no need to request a transfer every year. Once participation in the dual language program at Danielson or Henry is approved, we hope that you will attend the same school for all three years.

Can students take AP courses?

Currently no there are no AP classes in middle school except for Spanish 4 AP in 8th grade. We expect all Dual Language students to take AP Spanish 4 in 8th grade, and to take AP Spanish 5 in 10th grade in high school.  AP courses for other content areas are available in high school. 

Will students be able to participate in band, choir, athletics and other activities?

Yes! Students will participate in these activities with the rest of their middle school peers.  

What will happen for students who need Dyslexia, Quest and Special Education?

Students will continue to receive Dyslexia and Special Education services.  The Dual Language Enrichment model is an approach designed to serve gifted students.  All DL teachers are trained to serve gifted students.  The academic electives in Spanish at each grade level are Problem Based Learning courses designed to meet gifted students’ needs and can take the place of Quest in student’s schedules.

Will students always take the same courses in Spanish, like in Elementary?

The goal of the secondary dual language program expands to include high cognitive levels within bilingual and multicultural contexts to prepare for adult professional life. It is a requirement that students in the program take both English and Spanish Language Arts each year. The other subjects will include a wide variety of courses in both languages. Students will not always have the same core courses in Spanish as they did in elementary school. Students leave elementary school prepared to take courses in either language.

Will transportation be provided if we want to continue in Dual Language but do not live in the school zone for Danielson nor Henry?

Unfortunately Leander ISD is not able to offer transportation if you are not zoned to a Dual Language middle school campus.  Parents who wish their child to participate will need to provide their own transportation.

How do you measure progress in both languages?

In addition to taking the exams of the different subjects. They receive ratings using a rubric in Spanish (TSLPAS) and/or in English (TELPAS) annually. Beginning in 2nd grade we measure writing in both languages using a rubric specially designed to assess student literacy in both languages. Students take an exam in Spanish, the AAPPL, which tests speaking, listening, reading, and writing at the end of 5th grade.