The Board encourages employees, parents, and community members to discuss their concerns and complaints through informal conferences with the appropriate teacher, principal or appropriate administrator. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level. Informal resolution is encouraged but does not extend any deadlines in the formal grievance policies. If an informal resolution is reached, the Complainant/Grievant may withdraw the formal complaint at any time. All complaints will be heard in accordance with Board Policy DGBA(LOCAL), Board Policy FNG(LOCAL), or Board Policy GF(LOCAL) or any exceptions outlined therein. Neither the Board nor any District employee shall unlawfully retaliate against any Complainant/Grievant for bringing a concern or complaint.
Methods of Submitting Your Completed Form
- Via email to [email protected].
- Hand deliver to your campus administrator
- Hand deliver to Central Administration building located at:
204 W. South Street,
Leander, Texas 76546 - Via U.S. Mail:
Leander ISD
Attn: Grievance Coordinator
P.O. Box 218
Leander, Texas 78646 - Via fax at (512)570-9270
Important Filing Details
- Complaint forms and appeal notices may be filed by hand-delivery, by electronic communication, including email and fax, or by U.S. Mail. Hand-delivered filings shall be timely filed if received by the appropriate administrator or designee by the close of business on the deadline. Filings submitted by electronic communication shall be timely filed if they are received by the close of business on the deadline, as indicated by the date/time shown on the electronic communication. Mail filings shall be timely filed if they are postmarked by U.S. Mail on or before the deadline and received by the appropriate administrator or designated representative no more than three days after the deadline.
- “Days” shall mean District business days, unless otherwise noted. In calculating timelines under this policy, the day a document is filed is “day zero.” The following business day is “day one.”
Even after initiating the formal complaint process, the Complainant/Grievant are encouraged to continue seeking an informal resolution of their concerns.
The most direct route to resolving any campus or department concern is to first conference directly with the involved party (employee, teacher, coach, sponsor, admin.). The majority of concerns will be resolved directly via a face-to-face meeting or email. A request can also be made to conference with an administrator at this level by either party.
Most issues can be resolved by contacting the teacher, coach, guidance counselor, etc. The campus principal or assistant principal can also resolve many issues informally. Parents and community members may also contact District administrators who are responsible for the area of concern, which could include:
- Athletics: (512) 570-0167
- Business & Operations: (512) 570-0400
- Child Nutrition Services: (512) 570-0670
- Curriculum & Instruction: (512) 570-0200
- Fine Arts: (512) 570-0162
- Health Services: (512) 570-0138
- Human Resources: (512) 570-0106
- Special Education: (512) 570-0300
- Student Services: (student discipline issues, etc.) (512) 570-0150
- Transportation: (512 )570-0700