June 20, 2023Effective 2024-25: Secondary Zoning, Transfer Exceptions & Athletic Eligibility Guidelines
June 8, 2023 Board Approved 2024-25 MS & HS Attendance Zoning

Board Adopted Secondary Zoning

Students will be rezoned to their new campus in the 2024-2025 school year. 11th and 12th-grade students will have the option to remain at their current campus as long as they complete a transfer request and provide their own transportation.

Students will be rezoned to their new campus in the 2024-2025 school year. 8th-grade students will have the option to remain at their current campus as long as they complete a transfer request and provide their own transportation. Neighborhood codes (NBCD) 1710 and 1725 moves will be delayed until the 2028-2029 school year.

Recommended Scenario: Middle & High School

Scenario 2: Middle & High School

April 5, 2023News Article: Update to Secondary Attendance Zoning Scenarios

Community Forums for 2nd ScenariosPresentation and ThoughtExchange summaries:

LISD Attendance Zoning
Attendance Zoning – FAQs

Zoning Relief Process

Unlike attendance zonings of the past that often centered on the opening of a new school at the respective level, this upcoming rezoning is meant to accomplish the following main objectives:

  • Provide relief to current enrollment numbers
  • Maximize the usage of district facilities
  • Defer the timing of future school construction

(Click image to expand)

Timeline – Process Begins Spring 2023 (effective Fall 2024)

1. District Utilizes Parameters set by the LRPC

Oct. 2022

Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC)
LRPC Parameters

Strengthen the student experience

  • Establish long-term stability
  • Access to choice options
  • Elementary: Honor neighborhood school concept
    Secondary: Honor neighborhood school concept where secondary schools are still able to meet the intent of the Long-Range Plan

Prioritize fiscal responsibility

  • Maximize usage of district facilities
    • Strategic rezoning
    • Modified Utilization
  • Defer timing of future construction

2. District Presents Plan, Timeline and Charter to Board

Nov 15, 2022

In the Long-Range Plan, a rezoning of the middle school and high school levels is needed in order to better utilize existing facilities, relieve overcrowding and delay the need for new facilities, which have seen a recent sharp uptick in cost.

The first step in any rezoning effort is the approval of the process and charter by the Board, forming the development criteria for any rezoning scenarios. Throughout the process over the following months, there will be many opportunities for community feedback, a critical component before a recommended set of plans is brought to the Board in May and June.


3. Board Approves Project Process

Dec 8, 2022

The Board approved the charter that was presented at the Nov 15 Board meeting for the rezoning of the middle school and high school levels.

Unlike attendance zonings of the past that often centered on the opening of a new school at the respective level, this upcoming rezoning is meant to accomplish the following two main objectives:

  • To provide relief to current enrollment numbers
  • To defer the timing of future school construction


4. District Creates M.S and H.S. Scenarios

Jan 11 – 20, 2023

Create zoning scenarios using the parameters set in the 10-year Long-Range Plan.


5. District Publishes/Releases Zoning Scenarios

Jan 23 – Mar 10, 2023

Communicate 1st zoning scenarios for community review and input via:


March 20 – Apr 3

Communicate 2nd zoning scenarios for community review and input:


6. District Collect Community Input on Scenarios

Jan 23 – Mar 10

Collect community input on scenarios

Mar 20 – Apr 3

Collect community input on the next set of scenarios

7. Decision Point

After collecting and reviewing the survey data, community input and alignment to the long-range plan as it relates to the presented scenarios, a decision must be made to either

  1. finalize the scenarios or
  2. return to step 4 to adjust the scenarios.

8. District Develops Recommendation Report

April 3 – 17, 2023

9. Long-Range Planning Committee Reviews Recommendation

April 17 – 21 2023

10. District Presents Recommendation Report to Board

11. Board Approves Middle and High School Attendance Zones

12. District Shares Final Plan with Community

13. Implementation of Plan

August 2024