Don Tew PAC Modernization

Project Scope
Built in 1999, the Don Tew Performing Arts Center (PAC) is located on the Leander HS campus. Performing Arts Centers are district facilities that are available for school performances or events. They are also available for the public to rent.
In addition to the replacement of major building sub-systems, the modernization will include the following:
- Original upholstered theatrical seating replacement
- Carpet flooring replacement
- Stage flooring surface renovation
- Theatrical curtain replacement
- Architectural & theatrical lighting control and fixture modernization
- Audio reinforcement system modernization
- Communications systems modernization
- Dual sidewall project and screen installation
- Live-feed stage view TV monitors in lobby and dressing rooms
- Restroom and dressing room renovation
- Scene shop large construction equipment replacement
- Music chairs and stands replacement
Project Status
- The design team is meeting with district representatives to incorporate all needs of the project.
- August 2023
At the Aug. 24, 2023 Board meeting, Trustees approved the architect and construction manager.
Project Details
Estimated Timeline
Start: Fall 2023 (Start of Design phase)
Finish: To be determined
Funding Source
Bond 2023
Estimated Project Budget
This project’s budget has been combined with the Leander HS Masterplan Redesign occurring at the same location.
Leander HS Masterplan Redesign – Initial Design: $100,000
Leander HS Masterplan Redesign – Phase 1 Construction & Design of Future Phases: $30,000,000
Band Practice Field Fence & Bollards: $250,920
Roof Repair: $375,000
Don Tew Performing Arts Center: $6,835,000
Total: $37,560,920
Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
GMP(s) will come later in the process and go before the LISD Board for approval.
Note: The actual cost will be listed here upon project completion. Any money leftover from the budget goes into project savings, managed by the Bond Oversight Committee.
- Architect: Pfluger Architects
- Construction: American Constructors
South PAC Modernization

Project Scope
Built in 2002, the South Performing Arts Center (PAC) is located on the Cedar Park HS campus. Performing Arts Centers are district facilities that are available for school performances or events. They are also available for the public to rent.
In addition to the replacement of major building sub-systems, the modernization will include the following:
- Original upholstered theatrical seating replacement
- Carpet flooring replacement
- Stage flooring surface renovation
- Theatrical curtain replacement
- Architectural & theatrical lighting control and fixture modernization
- Audio reinforcement system modernization
- Communications systems modernization
- Dual sidewall project and screen installation
- Live-feed stage view TV monitors in lobby and dressing rooms
- Restroom and dressing room renovation
- Scene shop large construction equipment replacement
- Music chairs and stands replacement
- Addition of WiFi access point to South PAC lobby
Project Status
- The plan is to start construction at the end of May 2026, after school lets out for the summer.
- The design team is working to finalize construction documents.
- October 2023
At the Oct. 26, 2023 Board meeting, Trustees approved Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) #1 for the Cedar Park High School & South PAC modernization project. GMP #1, in the amount of $10,918,545, funded equipment, services or materials that must be secured well in advance and early project startup needs. - August 2023
At the Aug. 24, 2023 Board meeting, Trustees approved the architect and construction manager.
Project Details
Estimated Timeline
Start: Winter 2023 (Start of Design phase)
Finish: To be determined
Funding Source
Bond 2023
Estimated Project Budget
This project’s budget has been combined with the Cedar Park HS modernization occurring at the same location.
CPHS Modernization: $44,613,148
CPHS Roof Repair: $123,503
South Performing Arts Center: $6,835,000
Total: $51,571,651
Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) *
- GMP #1: $10,918,545
Approved at Oct. 26, 2023 Board Meeting
* GMPs cover construction costs only. The total project cost will incorporate design and permitting fees, along with furniture, fixtures and equipment. Additional GMPs are possible.
Note: The actual cost will be listed here upon project completion. Any money leftover from the budget goes into project savings, managed by the Bond Oversight Committee.
- Architect: MEP Engineering
- Construction: Bartlett Cocke General Contractors
Music Instrument Replacement

Project Scope
Replace band and choir instruments – at all middle and high schools – identified as at the end of their life cycle because of age or condition. This would replace approximately 38% of school-owned instrument inventory.
Currently the district has $2,500,00 in instruments that are more than 20 years old and $1,900,000 in instruments that are between 10-20 years old. The rest of the funds will be used to accommodate growth or replace instruments based on their conditions.
This project also includes the replacement of digital and grand pianos, stands and chairs, and rehearsal equipment for choir.
Project Status
- January 2025
To date, orders have been placed for 333 woodwind instruments, 492 brass instruments, 220 percussion instruments, 42 digital pianos, 6 grand pianos, 10 rehearsal keyboards, 3 upright pianos, and various sound and rehearsal equipment. - December 2024
Phase 2 instruments have been ordered. - October 2023
Campuses received a large number of percussion instruments, mellophones, bassoons, piccolos, bass clarinets and French horns.
Instruments from the Phase 1 order have lead times that range from 2 weeks to 18 months. - September 2023
Instruments began arriving on campuses.
Requisitions for purchase issued to Vendors.
Bids scored; Award Letters sent to Vendors. - August 2023
Request for Cooperative Proposal (RFCP) open to vendors for bidding - July 2023
Fine Arts submitted final list of Phase 1 instruments totaling 60% of the total bond project (881 instruments); Finance department began preparing Request for Cooperative Proposal (RFCP). - May–June 2023
Individual assessment meetings with each of LISD’s 15 secondary campuses to finalize needs based on current inventory status and projected growth
Project Details
Estimated Timeline
Start: Summer 2023
Finish: To be determined
Funding Source
Bond 2023
Estimated Project Budget
Middle School; $2,508,200
High School: $3,762,500
Total: $6,270,700
Actual Cost
The actual cost will be listed here upon project completion. Any money leftover from the budget goes into project savings, managed by the Bond Oversight Committee.
- Taylor Music Company
- Music and Arts
- Steve Weiss Percussion
- Washington Music Center
- Alamo Music Center
- Carolyn Nussbaum Flutes