Child Find

The purpose of Child Find is to locate, identify and evaluate children from birth to 21 years of age and their possible need for special education and related services. Child Find is a free referral and information service available through local education agencies and Service Center Region XIII.

Children learn at different rates, but some children have significant difficulty. We’re here to help you access services to meet the unique learning needs of your child. If you are concerned your child may be learning, playing or interacting differently from others, please call our office at 512-570-0350 or email [email protected].

Parent Companion | Texas Project First

More information about Child Find

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

Leander ISD Early Childhood services exist to build a strong foundation so that each child is ready to be challenged, encouraged and supported to achieve their highest level of knowledge, skills and character.

  • Parents as Teachers
  • Prekindergarten

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) & Title Programs

On Dec. 10, 2015, President Obama signed into law the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. ESSA replaces its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). Under this act are the following subsections:

  • Title II, Part A
    Targets student academic achievement through improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in classrooms and qualified principals and assistant principals in the district. The intended beneficiaries of Title II funds are teachers and principals, including assistant principals, and as appropriate, administrators, pupil services personnel, and paraprofessionals.

    Title II, Part A ESSA Funding Flyer
  • Title III, Part A
    Supports supplemental resources to campuses to help ensure that children who are limited English proficient (LEP) attain English proficiency at high levels in core academic subjects and can meet state mandated achievement performance standards. Intended beneficiaries of Title III funds are LEP students, including immigrant children and youth.
  • Title IV, Part A
    Overarching goal of this program is to increase the capacity of State education Agencies, State Education Agencies, Campuses, and communities to meet goals around student access to well-rounded education, maintain safe and healthy students and improve the use of technology to advance academic achievement.

    Title IV, Part A ESSA Funding Flyer
  • Title I, Part C
    Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grant: Programs that develop more fully the academic and technical skills of secondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical education (CTE) program.

State Compensatory Education & At-Risk

State Compensatory Education

  • Criteria
  • Homeless Services
  • Foster Care

Use of Federal Funds

The federal fund amounts and intents are outlined below. The public is asked to submit any comments by Thursday, June 23, 2022.

Title I – Part A: $2,866,864 (2023-24)

  • 40% or higher free/reduced lunch eligibility, serving over 35% only
  • We have 7 Title I school-wide campuses
  • Tiered system of funding to document funds are directed to the greatest areas of need
  • Expenditures must be supplemental to the standard program and must be spent to achieve goals set forth in the campus improvement plan (based on a comprehensive needs assessment)
  • The purpose of Title I funds is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, high-quality education, and close the educational achievement gaps.
  • 1% of the grant is reserved for Parent Engagement activities.

Common uses of funds include: additional staff, supplemental tutoring, virtual and face-to-face student experiences/field trips, supplemental instructional materials, parental engagement activities, and summer school activities.

Title II: $745,854 (2023-24)

  • Funds must be used to improve student achievement by improving teaching and leadership (teacher and principal staff development)
  • Funds are also used to recruit and retain teachers
  • Leander ISD uses Title II funds for the following:  supplemental staff to support coaching, district-level professional development geared toward implementing the content area curriculum, and leadership development for campus improvement. 

Title III: $445,975 (2023-24)

  • Funds must be used to help students who are identified as Limited English Proficient English (advanced proficiency expected within 3 years) while at the same time mastering state content area standards.
  • Funds must be supplemental to what is required by State law, and supplemental to all other federal funds as well
  • Only 2% may be used for administrative costs

Leander ISD utilizes Title III funds for supplemental instructional materials and technology for the Bilingual/ESL program, staff development in the area of English Language Learners, activities for students, parental engagement activities, and summer school activities.

Title IV: $84,641 (2023-24)

  • 20% well-rounded educational opportunities, 20% safe and healthy students activities, supporting effective use of technology (15% limit on infrastructure)

Leander ISD utilizes Title IV funds to develop and support innovative programs in STEM and CCMR (College, Career & Military Readiness). Title IV provides professional development and coaching in the effective uses of technology. In addition, Title IV supports school safety programs. 

IDEA B Special Education: $6,062,383 (2023-24)

  • Personnel, contracted services, supplies, materials and equipment (including technology) to benefit students with disabilities

IDEA B PreK Special Education: $65,378 (2023-24)

  • Personnel and supplies/materials (including technology and software) to benefit students with disabilities ages 4 and under

Carl Perkins Career Tech: $252,717 (2023-24)

  • Personnel and supplies/materials to upgrade programs for career paths and college readiness. 

Questions about the intent of federal funds may be directed to Shannon White, Senior Executive Director of State and Federal Programs, at shannon[email protected].

Staff Directory

For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.