The Leander ISD Purchasing Office is responsible for the centralized procurement of the supplies, materials, equipment and services that are necessary for our schools and offices to function. The Purchasing Office uses a variety of methods to contract for goods and services including the issuance of formal and informal solicitations, validation of exempt purchases such as sole source, and use of cooperative purchasing alliances. Contact information for Purchasing Office staff is listed in the directory below.
Doing Business with Leander ISD
Leander ISD utilizes Ion Wave Technologies as its sourcing solution to electronically post solicitations, receive offers and interact with the vendor community. The Leander ISD Purchasing Department encourages all vendors to register in the Ion Wave system in order to be notified when applicable solicitation are issued. The system utilizes commodity codes to match vendors’ goods and services with open solicitations.
Registering in Ion Wave does not make a vendor “awarded” (formerly referred to as “approved”). For a vendor to be considered awarded, they must respond to, and be awarded under, a competitive solicitation that was issued by an entity such as a purchasing cooperative or another Texas school district with whom LISD has an interlocal purchasing agreement on file. See Cooperatives section below for a complete list.
This registration does not make you an awarded vendor. Your registration gives us the ability to email you when a new solicitation is open for your goods and/or services based on your profile and the commodities you select at registration. Registration on this platform is required in order to submit solicitation responses. You must submit a solicitation response and be awarded a contract in order to be an awarded vendor with Leander ISD.
If you need assistance with registration, please visit the Ion Wave Supplier Support page.
LISD is not responsible for maintaining the accuracy of vendor’s accounts. We also encourage you to include more than one company “User” when you register. This will ensure that at least one person in your company receives bid notifications.
Note: If you are registered with any other agency using the IWT bidding system, you will not be able to reuse a previous user login name. You must create a unique user login name during registration. We recommend using a format like abcsupplies customer, where customer is a short version of the agency you are registering with.
Ion Wave Supplier Help Documents
IonWave has helpful documents for suppliers to troubleshoot frequent issues. Click on any of the documents below for assistance:
Supplier Registration | Supplier Profile and Troubleshooting
Open Solicitations
Check out our current solicitations available based on goods/services your company provides. We look forward to viewing your response and possibly working with your company in the near future.
Note for Solicitations identified as Continuous RFPs: During the period a continuous solicitation is available for a response, the District’s Purchasing Department may need to make it unavailable so that no access can be made by vendors. This is done so that evaluations can be done. If a vendor has begun a response but has not completed it while the solicitation is unavailable, the unsubmitted response cannot be accessed, however, the previous information will not be lost. Once the solicitation is extended, the vendor will have access again to their incomplete response.
Vendor Information
Vendor Information Form
LISD staff members may request information from vendors in order to create a purchase requisition. If so, please complete the Vendor Information Form. Completing the form does not make the vendor awarded. It is necessary to complete the setup in our financial system.
Terms and Conditions
Leander ISD has adopted Standard Purchase Terms and Conditions, which govern purchases made by Leander ISD. These terms apply as incorporated by reference into solicitations, contracts, and purchase orders. These terms also apply to purchases made by credit card in the absence of an associated solicitation, contract or purchase order.
Tax Exemption
Leander ISD is exempt from state sales tax on the basis that it is a governmental entity – school district.
Conflict of Interest
Leander ISD maintains a public internet list of local government officers and disclosure statements covering conflicts of interest.
Any individual or business entity that contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with Leander ISD must file a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire with the LISD Purchasing Office in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Chapter 176, no later than the seventh business day after the recipient becomes aware of facts that require filing.
Additional information is available on the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire page.
The cooperative purchasing organizations that Leander ISD is affiliated with are listed below. Leander ISD gives preference to the use of cooperative purchasing organizations to reduce administrative costs and leverage the bulk buying power of multiple organizations.
The district is affiliated with:
- 1GPA
- Allied States Cooperative
- BuyBoard
- Choice Partners
- Equalis Group
- GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative
- Government Services Administration (GSA)
- Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC)
- OMNIA Partners
- Sourcewell
- Southeast Texas Purchasing Cooperative
- Tex Buy
- Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)
- Texas Smart Buy
- TIPS Purchasing System
To reduce administrative costs, Leander ISD gives preference to the use of cooperative or state contracts where goods and services can be purchased at competitive prices.
Central Texas Purchasing Alliance – CTPA
Leander ISD is a member of the Central Texas Purchasing Alliance, which is a group of over 200 Texas school districts. Through the use of an interlocal agreement, member districts are able to share contract awards.
Staff Directory
For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.