The Instruction and Professional Learning department empowers Leander ISD staff, providing a variety of developmental opportunities throughout the year. Check out the IPL site for more information (employee sign in required).

Instructional Coaching

Instructional Coaching Home Base

Employee Login Required

The Leander ISD Instructional Coaching Program advances student learning through the facilitation and support of the professional learning of educators. Instructional Coaches in LISD are campus-based personnel and as liaisons between district support staff and campus instructional staff. Recognizing that implementation support is a fundamental component of any successful learning system, instructional coaches not only contribute to the facilitation of learning events but also the act of incorporating new learning into the practice of instruction, including goal setting, data collection, and reflective analysis.

Instructional coaches in LISD are peer coaches, intentionally kept separate from the evaluation process so to ensure that teachers engaging in coaching cycles can truly focus on improvement, a process often requiring acts of “failing forward.” Ultimately, instructional coaching is a critical element in our district’s focus on and celebration of Continuous Improvement.

Learning, Evaluation and Development System (LEADS)

Learning Model Framework

Learning Model Framework & Resources

The LISD Learning Model serves as a framework to keep LISD constantly focused on student learning. In its entirety, the Learning Model depicts how the district, campus and classroom work in concert to achieve a focus on student learning.

New-to-Profession Program

The New-to-Profession Learning Community (NTPLC), Leander ISD’s new teacher induction program, is a support and learning system that includes first-year teachers, second-year teachers, mentors, and instructional coaches (lead mentors on each campus). Mindful of the demands asked of all of our teachers, the NTPLC provides selected learning events and supports that assist our teachers as they grow and excel during their first year.

More information can be found on the LISD New-to-Profession Learning Community website.

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

PLC Resources

Leander ISD believes a Professional learning Community is the heart of high-quality, job-embedded professional learning and is the most effective manner to ensure academic growth for all students.

Professional Learning

Professional learning is a goal-driven cycle that includes learning experiences, supported implementation, evaluation, and reflection that transfers into improved practice to elevate student success. We are not only responsible for our own professional learning but that also of our coworkers, as well. This interdependence is especially necessary as we emphasize collaborative modes of improvement, like job-embedded learning (PLC) and instructional coaching, as critical elements of the learning process. In Leander ISD, our beliefs regarding professional learning include the following:

  • Effective professional learning positively impacts student learning.
  • Equity and excellence in teaching and learning are achieved through the implementation of systemic, high-quality professional learning.
  • Educators have an ethical obligation to continually learn and improve their practice.
  • Professional Learning Communities are the heart of high-quality, job-embedded professional learning.
  • Educators taking ownership of their learning increases motivation for implementation.
  • A culture of Continuous Improvement requires a commitment to the professional learning of all stakeholders within our system.


Team Building

Team Building Resources

The purpose of Team Building is to challenge LISD students, staff and patrons to enhance their communication and problem solving skills through individual learner involvement as set forth in the LISD Graduate Profile.

Staff Directory

For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.