Philosophy Statement

LISD desires that no student is to be denied the opportunity to participate in a fine arts organization due to their family’s socio-economic situation. 

History of the Program

The program was established in the 2006–2007 school year and was intended to provide assistance for LISD students in performing arts and cheer organizations. The program began for students in 6th and 7th grade, adding a grade level each year until all qualifying secondary students in these organizations were eligible for assistance. Revisions to the program occurred in 2014 and in 2022.

The program serves students in all grades in the following programs:

  • Band
  • HS Cheer
  • Choir
  • Dance
  • Theatre Arts

Funding for the program is drawn from the profits from certain district-wide fine arts events, such as the LISD Festival of Bands and the LISD HS Choral Festival. Programs with students who benefit from the fund are asked to contribute. Students who are enrolled in the Free Lunch Program may receive 100% of the core costs of participation in the program for required supplies. Other qualifying students may receive a maximum of 50% of the core costs of participation in the program for required supplies.

Examples of supplies a student may receive assistance for includes, but is not limited to:

  • General Expense Fees that are applied to specific required items (uniform maintenance fee, meal fee, etc.)
  • Uniform wear that is personalized with the student’s and/or the organization’s name or logo (warmups, personal uniform, etc.)
  • Clothing items that are purchased solely for use as part of a uniform (tux shirt, t-shirt, socks, etc.)
  • Supplies necessary for participation in the organization (reeds, make-up kits, etc.).
  • Events/Activities that are required for membership in the organization

Items that will not be considered for assistance from the fund include, but are not limited to:

  • Travel/Trips
  • Instrument Maintenance Fee
  • Undergarments
  • Optional activities

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for the funds, the student must:

  • Be an LISD student participating in a band, cheer, choir, dance, or theatre arts organization during the school year (all) or is intending to participate in the following year (dance and cheer only)
  • Complete an Application for Assistance.

Financial Considerations

In order to be eligible for the funds, the student must:

  • Qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, or
  • Be a member of multiple of the above organizations, or
  • Have one or more siblings enrolled in one of the above organizations, or
  • Have a temporary or permanent financial hardship, documented by a parent/guardian.

Administration of the Fund

The Leander ISD Fine Arts Director will be the fund administrator.

Funds will be administered on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to the availability of the funds. Each student will be granted funds for only one program per year; however, a student enrolled in multiple organizations may combine the core costs in one application. Students must reapply for assistance each year. 

If the student drops, quits or is removed from the program, the money will be returned to the District Low SES Fund, unless the funds are already encumbered and expended. If the funds are encumbered, the organization will use the equipment or uniform, if applicable, to assist other students.

Application for Assistance

If you are needing assistance with program costs, please contact your director or teacher directly.