Your Bond Dollars at Work: Visit our Bond website to learn more. Read more about completed, current and upcoming Fine Arts Projects.

LISD Fine Arts students are renowned for giving performances that are significant both for their technical proficiency and artistic excellence. These highly rated programs annually place high numbers of talented students in regional, area, state, and national competitions. Whether your children are interested in art, band, choir, dance and theatre, Leander ISD has outstanding programs at all grade levels including elementary that will educate their minds, stimulate their creativity, and provide them with excitement and self-discipline that will last a lifetime.

Upcoming Events

Choral Showcase 2024

Monday, Sept. 16 at 7 p.m.
Leander ISD Choral Showcase
Location: South Performing Arts Center
2150 Cypress Creek Road, Cedar Park, TX 78613
Tickets for the Choral Showcase are on sale and can be purchased here.

Festival of Bands 2024

Monday, Sept. 30 at 6:30 p.m.
Festival of Bands
Location: Gupton Stadium
200 Gupton Way Dr Cedar Park, TX 78613
Tickets for the Festival of Bands are on sale and can be purchased here.


The Visual Arts offers students an outlet for creative expression, a foundation in historical and cultural awareness, and an exploration of a variety of media. LISD roots this program in an introductory art course from which students can continue in media specific directions throughout their educational experience.

Elementary School

  • Provides a foundation for visual imagery
  • Explores the Elements and Principles of Design
  • Teaches methods for artistic expression

Middle School

  • Improves artistic technique
  • Utilizes language of design 
  • Introduces art history     

High School

Students have the opportunity to expand their talent in art by providing courses to specialize in a specific medium. Some courses offered on the high school level include:

  • Art I: The general foundation for students to understand various art mediums and styles  
  • Painting II/III/IV: Strengthens students with painting skills 
  • Drawing II/III/IV: Enhances students’ ability for 2D drawing 
  • Sculpture II/III/IV: Provides students with creative ability for 3D art 
  • Ceramics II/III/IV: Allows students to create 3D art from clay
  • Photography II/III/IV: Visualizes the world through the lens of a students’ camera
  • Multimedia: Equips students to use digital media for real world jobs  
  • Digital Graphics: Teaches students how to generate art on digital platforms like Photoshop
  • Animation: Produces a love for digital storytelling and has the opportunity to work in 3D animation 

Band & Color Guard


In LISD, band students learn about and experience the joy of preparing and performing music through a wide variety of rehearsal and performance opportunities. Students develop a mindset of pursuing excellence in both individual and group endeavors in a safe, healthy, and positive environment. Band begins in the sixth grade and continues through high school. If a student has not participated in the sixth grade but is interested in joining the band, check with the middle school director.

Middle School

  • Provide comprehensive instruction in musical skills
  • Foster a better understanding and love of music, and provide our students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become well rounded members of society

High School

  • Marches during football games in the fall
  • Performs in concert band during the second semester 
  • Participate in rigorous competitions such as Bands of America and UIL

Color Guard

Color Guard is a performing ensemble that compliments the marching band production. During the second semester, the Guard enters the Winter Guard season upon learning a choreographed production performed at various venues through that semester.

  • Performs on the football field during the marching band performance
  • Competes in Texas Color Guard Circuit (TCGC) and/or Winter Guard International (WGI) during the second semester


In LISD, choir is offered beginning in the sixth grade and continues through middle school and all four years in high school. Students are welcome to join at any grade level but are encouraged to join in the sixth grade.

Middle School

  • Students gain musical skills
  • Life-long appreciation of music
  • Have the opportunity to develop individual skills that will help them to be successful throughout their lives

High School

  • Provide students with opportunities to perform a wide variety of music
  • Develop skillful and entertaining student performers and performances
  • Encourage lifelong participation in music and support of all artistic endeavors


LISD dance programs provide a safe environment for students to express themselves creatively through dance. Within each school dance department, students may participate in the dance team, which consists of 7th and 8th grade students (middle schools) or sophomores, juniors and seniors (high schools). Dance team recruiting sessions/clinics are typically held in December and in the spring for the following school year.

Middle School

  • Present a comprehensive overview of Dance
  • Prepare students for success in high school dance programs
  • Encourage students to be model members of society by emphasizing dedication, confidence, discipline, and teamwork

High School

  • We encourage the development of dance, personal, and organizational skills through opportunities in and around the community 
  • Perform a dance number on the football field during half time
  • Participate in the annual district iDance performance

Theatre Arts

LISD Theatre programs strive to develop and enhance appreciation for the arts, performance experience, and life skills in our students.

Middle School

  • Acquire knowledge of and participate in the art of theatre
  • Understand theatre’s role in culture and society throughout history
  • Appreciate the art of theatre and its collaborative nature with all art forms

High School

Classes are offered to enhance the students’ learning and appreciation for the art. Classes offered at the high school level include:

  • Theatre Arts I-IV
  • Technical Theatre I-IV
  • Theatre Production I-IV
  • Musical Theatre

In addition, high schools have directors and designers at the helm of each department that produce a minimum of two main-stage full-length productions each year, one being a full-length musical. Each high school also produces a competitive UIL One-Act play, senior project performances, children’s/elementary performance projects and/or numerous other talent showcases.

Elementary Fine Arts

Performing Arts 

Students will engage and explore the performing arts while building an appreciation for theatre and music. Students will  develop aesthetic and cultural awareness through exploration, leading to creative expression.

Visual Arts

The study of Visual Arts at the elementary level opens paths of exploration in visual imagery. Utilizing the Elements and Principles of Design, each student strives to harness personal imagination and creativity as a lifelong learner.

Campus Fine Arts Links

High School

Cedar Park HS: CPHS Band | CPHS Choir | CPHS Dance | CPHS Theater

Glenn HS: GHS Band | GHS Choir | GHS Dance | GHS Theater

Leander HS: LHS Band | LHS Choir | LHS Dance | LHS Theater

Rouse HS: RHS Band | RHS Choir | RHS Dance | RHS Theater

Vandegrift HS: VHS Band | VHS Choir | VHS Dance | VHS Theater

Vista Ridge HS: VRHS Band | VRHS Choir | VRHS Dance | VRHS Theater

Middle School

Canyon Ridge MS: CRMS Band | CRMS Choir | CRMS Dance | CRMS Theater

Cedar Park MS: CPMS Band | CPMS Choir | CPMS Dance | CPMS Theater

Danielson MS: DMS Band | DMS Choir | DMS Dance | DMS Theater

Four Points MS: FPMS Band | FPMS Choir | FPMS Dance | FPMS Theater

Henry MS: HMS Band | HMS Choir | HMS Dance | HMS Theater

Leander MS: LMS Band | LMS Choir | LMS Dance | LMS Theater

Running Brushy MS: RBMS Band | RBMS ChoirRBMS Dance | RBMS Theater

Stiles MS: FSMS Band FSMS Choir | FSMS Dance | FSMS Theater

Wiley MS: WMS Band WMS Choir | WMS Dance | WMS Theater

News & Announcements

The Glenn Indoor Drumline built on 2023 success to capture another state championship as part of the Texas Color Guard Circuit (TCGC), this one in the Percussion Scholastic Open division. … Read more
May 10, 2024
Rouse High School Sophomore Fakheri Zayed is the Leander ISD Fine Arts Student of the Week. Fakheri excels academically and exhibits integrity which seeps into her work as a photographer and journalist. She participated in the 2024 VASE competition and received two medals for each of her submissions in photography. She also serves as the public relations […] … Read more
May 3, 2024
Leticia Angelim from Henry Middle School is the Leander ISD Fine Arts Student of the Week. Leticia has been active with the HMS Theatre department since sixth grade, beginning with the spring musical The Little Mermaid. Leticia has been a member of the HMS Varsity Advanced Theatre during her 7th and 8th grade years, at which […] … Read more
April 26, 2024

Staff Directory

For a districtwide staff listing, visit the Staff Directory page.
