The model for COOL Experiences is a structured, work- and information-based experience available for all interested LISD students in grades 9-12. Businesses can choose their level of commitment as well as what time of year and days work best for them.

Business Project Development

COOL Experiences projects can take several different avenues.

Listed below are some ideas that business partners may use to springboard an idea for their COOL Experiences.

Many ideas may be developed so they can be used from year to year – facilitating your continued involvement as a COOL Experiences business partner. Keep in mind these projects are in addition to allowing students to experience those “first day activities” such as the application, resume critique, and mock interview. Job shadowing and working with both the student team and your employees will serve to round out their COOL Experiences.

Over the years, such activities have proven to be the most beneficial to students.

  • The Parallel Project
  • The Mock Project
  • The Marketing Project
  • The Household Duties Project

More information: Business Project Development Ideas