Replace Computers and Devices for Students, Teachers & Staff
Project Scope
This project will replace all devices that have become end-of-life that support staff and students across the district. Most of this equipment is on a five-year life cycle.
- Replace elementary, middle, and high school laptops and devices, such as iPads and Chromebooks
- Replace staff devices
- Replace networked printers and document cameras
Project Status
LISD is currently using computer & device replacement funds from Bond 2021. Once that runs out – anticipated in Spring 2025 – LISD will begin purchasing devices with Bond 2023 funds.
Project Details
Estimated Timeline
Funding Source
Bond 2021
Bond 2023
Estimated Project Budget
Bond 2021: $21,640,577
Bond 2023: $7,864,000
Actual Cost
Due to the nature of this project and the relatively short life span of some technology devices, this project is an ongoing budgetary requirement.
It’s important to note that assets financed by the bonds that have a shorter asset life are sold with shorter maturities that align with their useful life.
- CDWG (Lenovo devices)
- GTS (Dell devices)
Chromebooks for all 2nd-grade Students

Project Scope
Purchase a Chromebook device for all 2nd-grade elementary students.
The Texas Education Agency is revising the Technology Application TEKS standards to require typing for 2nd-grade students. Additionally, all STAAR exams will be administered online. By providing 2nd-grade students access to Chromebooks, this will allow students to learn typing on a physical keyboard in preparation for online assessments and enhance student’s digital competency.
The purchase would expand the district’s 1:1 student-to-device ratio to include 2nd grade.
Project Status
- April 2024
Chromebooks have been delivered to campuses. - The plan is to have devices in classrooms by the beginning of Spring 2024.
- Fall 2023
ITS is currently in the process of purchasing 2nd-grade devices and computer carts.
Project Details
Estimated Timeline
Start: Fall 2023
Finish: Spring 2024
Funding Source
Bond 2023
Estimated Project Budget
Actual Cost*
The actual cost will be listed here upon project completion. Any money leftover from the budget goes into project savings, managed by the Bond Oversight Committee.
It’s important to note that assets financed by the bonds that have a shorter asset life are sold with shorter maturities that align with their useful life.
- CDWG (Lenovo Chromebooks)